Thursday, January 5, 2012

Is It Progression or Is It Regression?

     The last few months have found us settling into some kind of routine in our new home.  We have our Grandson Callen who is now 16 months old with us for 3 days a week.  On Wednesday evening we always look at one another and say "what will we do between now and Monday?"  This child has been the best medicine that a Grandpa with AD could ever get.  For most of the time Gerry is pretty happy about him being there with us.  He plays with him and the child absolutely wants to hang onto him all the time.  He finally said "Gra-Pa" very clearly yesterday.  I hate that he said it yesterday because today Gerry finally got his new hearing aids.  What a great benefit the VA and these hearing aids are.  For weeks now he has been very excited to get them.  Today unfortunately, I have found it hard to find things to talk to him about.  I'm aware that if I'm not careful I'll yell at him rather than just talk, this is gonna take some getting used to.  Yeah, I know it's all about me, huh?  You have to realize that it has been many years that this has been a problem and over the past 2 years it has become a normal thing in our lives - him not hearing - me either yelling or not talking.  I know this will be so much better.
     Since my last post there have been changes.  Gerry had a period of time that he was having kidney problems.   Stones.  Despite fever, delirium, falling multiple times and going to 2 different emergency rooms then to a top Urologist - no one ever found anything wrong with him.  He does have kidney stones, but they saw none on the move.  Then, don't know where it came from but his Potassium went up too high.  The doctor called him every other day and had him come in for countless blood tests keeping check on it.  Finally after 2 weeks of changing things and starting things, like no bananas and fish oil, it went back to normal.  But from all that good things happened.  He gained much confidence in his new doctor, so that was good.  Then......................

     Later on a follow up to this PCP, he was given a new med for diabetic neuropathy in a small spot on his foot. Always a concern for a diabetic.  The new med is Neurontin.  I don't know if this medicine made a difference in his AD or not, but if it did it was a good difference.  It's helping the neuropathy some.  He is sleeping better every night.  His thought process is clearer, he isn't as agitated, he seems to laugh a little more.  Thanksgiving with the kids was very nice, a lot of people around, even people he didn't know and he talked a lot.  He didn't withdraw from everyone like he has been.

     Christmas time was much different.  A breakthrough, I think or was it a progression of the AD?  That is my question now.  I hate this!!  Why can't I just let what will happen - happen?   Gerry was a musician in the Air Force for 23 years and before that he played him trumpet in school from age 10.  It has been so many years since he would listen to music.  I contacted the band unit he retired from, even though no one he knows is left there, and asked them if they could send him a cd of their music.  To our delight they sent 2 cd's right before Christmas!!  At first I didn't think he would listen.  But as we traveled on Christmas Day to see the kids I popped in a cd that had one of his favorite tunes on it and he turned it up.  He listened very intently and made comments of all the differences of the song being played by these younger guys as opposed to what he remembered it sounding like when his band played it.  I don't care whether he could actually hear the differences or not, I was just elated that he was even listening.  After that we listened to both cd's the rest of the way and it was heavenly.  But it doesn't end there.  Later that night at our son's house, the two of them went upstairs and listened to  jazz music together.  This is something that has not even been heard of for many years.  His son played his old trumpet when he was in high school and kept the horn just in case his son might want to play it in school when he was old enough.  This year in school Nathan his Grandson is learning to play the same trumpet and when we visited he played it for the first time for Grandpa.  Another great treat for him was when his son played several songs on his Bagpipes for the first time!!  He plays with his hometown Fire Dept. as he is a Paramedic/Fireman.  He's only been playing pipes for a couple years, but it was so good! 
And remember he only got his hearing aids today, so it wasn't his hearing that made him listen.

     So here's what I'm wondering - it's been 23+ years since he retired.  Could it be that in his mind he has gone back to those days of listening to music and playing music?  Or has the new medication and fish oil that he's taking made some difference in his brain?  I really don't care what it is, I'm just happy it's happening.  Another thing that I've tried to do lately is to bring some old friends into his life from those AF days.  I luckily found some of his favorite people on Facebook and I've passed along stories and pictures and info about them on to him.  I can't get him to communicate with them yet but I'm hoping.  At least he hasn't asked me not to do it, which if he didn't like it he would ask me to please don't do that.  He has done that before about some things.

     As I mentioned before Gerry's Mother lives with his sister who will not allow them to see one another.  But since July he has been talking to Mom on the telephone on a regular basis and their conversations have increased and gotten better as time goes on.  On the downside - hey wait a minute - I have no downside at this time!!!!